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Acupuncture is an ancient healing modality that has been around for over 3,000 years. Originating in China, this effective method of treatment focuses on treating the roots of all disorders and allowing the body to return to a natural state of balance.


What is Qi?


Qi (pronounced chee), is the chinese word to describe the vital energy that flows through the entire body.  Qi is fundamental energy that is responsible for moving, protecting, and healing the body.  If qi becomes disrupted or stuck in an area, people begin to experience discomfort or pain.  


Acupuncture, Pullman, WA

Acupuncture can help unblock areas of the body where qi has

become stagnant, help increase vital qi within the body, and balance

qi in areas of the body.  

How Does Qi Move?


Qi moves through the body through energetic pathways called

meridians.  These meridians connect organs and tissues to one

another to help support and nourish one another.  Think of

meridians like rivers of energy flowing through the body.  Where

these rivers flow they bring nourishment, healing and life.  When

a river becomes blocked, one area becomes stagnant while

another area begins to experience a lack of vitality due to the lack

of qi flowing to it.


How Does Qi Become Blocked?


A blockage of qi within the body can occur for multiple reasons.  

Stress, a traumatic injury, and emotional distress can all cause qi

to become blocked in a certain area of the body.  Normally the body

can bounce back from a blockage and heal itself.  The longer the

blockage has existed within the body, the longer and harder it

becomes to unblock and the body begins to experience disease

and pain because it can no longer compensate for the strain the

blockage is causing.


What Does an Acupuncturist Do?


An acupuncturist uses thin sterile needles, chinese massage,

oriental medicine, and energetic exercises to help the flow of qi

become unblocked and return to a normal state of flow.  

Once the flow has reestablished itself it can once again

nourish the cells, tissues, organs and systems it supports.

Acupuncture, Pullman, WA
Acupuncture, Pullman, WA
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